Tickle Your Bone Weekly Comedy Festival©™ 05/16/2023
- Mr. Peter Jordan
- Kat Schindler
- Julia Eyerly
- Shannon Brink
- Blair Burns
- Saavan Patel
- May’s Resident Comedian Xazmin Garza
- Hosted By: Sean McCarthy
Tuesday Night May 9th Tickle Your Bone Comedy and Brigett’s Last Laugh are featuring a Comedy Theme Show like no other Comedy Theme Show, Ever!… It’s called “A Comedy Show”. We have “10 Comedians”, who do a set of “Their Stand Up Comedy” with a “Host”, who “Opens the show with a set of comedy and announcements”, “then also introduces all of the rest of the Comedians”. This is the Craziest of Crazy Theme Shows for Comedy. We are about to start a New Trend. Come witness the Craziness!
Comedians Featured on this “This Special Theme Show”:
No Cover, No Minimum. The show starts at 730, arrive by 7pm for a seat, as it has been Standing Room Only, …Full Bar and Menu,… it’s always Taco Tuesday with Karaoke after the Festival in the Main Bar with Papa T’s Darkside Karaoke.
This Tuesday April 25th Live at Brigett’s Last Laugh, a “Brand New Comedy Theme Show” by Tickle Your Bone Comedy. They are featuring a Comedy Theme Show like no other Comedy Theme Show Ever… It’s called “A Comedy Show”. We have “11 Comedians”, who do a “5 minute Set” of “Their Stand Up Comedy” with a “Host”, who “Opens the show with a set of Comedy and Announcements”, “then also, said Host “introduces all of the rest of the Comedians”. This is the Craziest of Crazy Theme Shows for Comedy. We are about to start a New Trend. Come witness the Craziness!
Comedians Featured on this “This Special Theme Show”:
No Cover, No Minimum. The show starts at 730, arrive by 7pm for a seat, as it has been Standing Room Only, …Full Bar and Menu,… it’s always Taco Tuesday with Karaoke after the Festival in the Main Bar with Papa T’s Darkside Karaoke.
This Tuesday April 18th at Tickle Your Bone Comedy, we are featuring a Comedy Theme Show like no other Comedy Theme Show Ever… It’s called “A Comedy Show”. We have “7 Comedians”, who do a set of “Their Stand Up Comedy” with a “Host”, who “Opens the show with a set of comedy and announcements”, “then also introduces all of the rest of the Comedians”. This is the Craziest of Crazy Theme Shows for Comedy. We are about to start a New Trend. Come witness the Crazyness…
Comedians Featured on this “This Special Theme Show”:
We are:
No Cover, No Minimum. The show starts at 730, arrive by 7pm for a seat, as it has been Standing Room Only, …Full Bar and Menu,… it’s always Taco Tuesday with Karaoke after the Festival in the Main Bar with Papa T’s Darkside Karaoke.
Live Stream Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tlbj7762B2w
Tickle Your Bone Weekly Comedy Festival©™ 4/11/2023 “My Favorite Comedy Show and Room in Phoenix!” Literally every comedian in Phoenix. This is the Worlds Greatest, and Only, Weekly Comedy Festival…Live at the Greatest 5 Star Dive Bar Brigett’s Last Laugh.
This Week we are Featuring:
We are @tickleyourboneweeklycomedyfest
No Cover, No Minimum. The show starts at 730, arrive by 7pm for a seat, as it has been Standing Room Only, …Full Bar and Menu,… it’s always Taco Tuesday with Karaoke after the Festival in the Main Bar with Papa T’s Darkside Karaoke.
Live Stream Link, please like/subscribe and say nice things about us:
No Cover, No Minimum. The show starts at 730, arrive by 7pm for a seat, as it has been Standing Room Only, …Full Bar and Menu,… it’s always Taco Tuesday with Karaoke after the Festival in the Main Bar with Papa T’s Darkside Karaoke
#standupcomedy #phoenixcomedy #yourmomma #weekly #comedyfestival #dontbeahack #standupcomedyphoenix #standupcomedyshow #standupcomedylive #standup #sitdown #GetOnUp
Tuesday Night Tickle Your Bone Comedy and Brigett’s Last Laugh Proudly Present: “The Worlds Greatest and Only Weekly Festival”, Tickle Your Bone Weekly Comedy Festival© 3/14/2023.
No Cover, No Minimum. The show starts at 730, arrive by 7pm for a seat, as it has been Standing Room Only, …Full Bar and Menu,… it’s always Taco Tuesday with Karaoke after the Festival in the Main Bar with Papa T’s Darkside Karaoke… See You Next Tuesday!
This Weeks Live Stream:
#standupcomedy #phoenixcomedy #yourmomma #weekly #comedyfestival #dontbeahack #standupcomedyphoenix #standupcomedyshow #standupcomedylive #standup #sitdown #GetOnUp
Tuesday March 7th, 2023…”The Best Comedy Show EVER” (Your Mom). This is the Worlds Greatest, and Only, Weekly Comedy Festival…Live at the Greatest 5 Star Dive Bar Brigett’s Last Laugh.
No Cover, No Minimum. The show starts at 730, arrive by 7pm for a seat, as it has been Standing Room Only, …Full Bar and Menu,… it’s always Taco Tuesday with Karaoke after the Festival in the Main Bar with Papa T’s Darkside Karaoke